Sunday, May 10, 2015

Orgonite and how it is related to Life-Force Energy

Orgone, chi, life-force, prana– subtle energies

Wilhelm Reich discovered the existence of orgone energy in the 1930s. He said that he had discovered a cosmic life energy – an omnipresent energy too subtle to be measured with everyday instruments.

Reich’s idea of orgone is not new. Most esoteric and metaphysical teachings have emphasised the idea of subtle energies that are found everywhere – from the human body to the air around us – the building blocks of all life on earth. Reich termed it orgone, in Traditional Chinese medicine it is termed Qi, in Ayurveda and tantra it is called prana. Many alternative healing methods, such as Reiki and Quantum Touch, make use of subtle energies in order to heal imbalances in the body.

There are variations between the different theories and characteristics of subtle energy – in particular because they cannot be measured by scientific instruments – instead, generations of people with a natural or practiced sensitivity to subtle energies have managed to sense the way in which these work.

Here are the basic properties of orgone energy according to Wilhelm Reich:
  1. Organic materials attracted and held orgone energy.
  2.  Non-Organic metal materials attracted and then rapidly repelled it.
  3. It fills all space and is everywhere.
  4. It’s mass free and is the primordial, cosmic energy.
  5. It penetrates matter, but at different speeds.
  6. It pulsates and is observable and measurable.
  7. It has a strong affinity and attraction to/by water.
  8. It is accumulated naturally in the living organism by ingesting foods, breathing, and through the skin.
Orgone in the human body

We need orgone for our survival, and energy blockages often cause serious illnesses. Orgone runs through our bodies, and different teachings have mapped out different paths along which it runs. Acupuncture is based on the meridian system taught in Traditional Chinese medicine. When your body is healthy, energy runs unobstructed through these meridians, but blockages in the meridian can cause illness. Acupuncture and acupressure are thought to stimulate the meridians and work to heal the blockages.

The chakra system works in a similar way. In this case, our seven major chakras are vortexes of energy. Each chakra deals has a different function, and if there are any blockages in energy flow in our chakras, this can also result in psychological and psychological symptoms like disease or mental complexes.

Apart from keeping orgonite around you, exercises like Qi Gong, yoga, energy healing, crystal healing and some forms of meditation are good ways to keep a healthy flow of POR (positive orgone) in your body, which leads to a healthier and happier body. Our subtle energy systems are also affected by the food we eat, the way we breathe (breathing is one major intake of orgone energy), and even the thoughts we think…

Orgonite and Consciousness

Subtle energy is thought to have an intelligence of its own. This is why orgonite affects people in different ways – the function of orgonite is an invigorating and balancing one, but this may manifest differently according to the individual’s needs – you don’t need to tell orgonite what to do! Although it can also be rewarding to actively work with the orgonite energies.

We can use our consciousness to interact with orgonite and orgone energy. “Mind over matter” – orgone is the building block of our material reality, and we can use our thoughts and emotions to interact with it and shape our material worlds with it. That is why it is essential to keep positive if you plan to have a lot of orgonite around – the increase in energy causes faster manifestation (POR encourages positivity, so this usually only takes a bit of conscious effort).

You may like the other post for cleaning of crystals:
•    How to clean the crystals

For purchasing any products:
•    Orgone Products


The above details about the crystal stones is taken from the different varieties of crystals books such as :
Author Judy Hall  - Crystal Bible 1, 2, 3
Author Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian - The Book of Stones
Author Katrina Raphaell - Crystal Enlightenment
Author Cassandra Eason - The New Crystal Bible
Author Dorothee L. Mella - Stone Power II
Author Michael Gienger - Healing Crystals
Author Uma Sibey-Crystal Ball Gazing
As I love the crystal and so I keep wonderful collection of crystal related books. I always keep reading and surfing on internet also, so I have gather many information and also done practical experience about the crystal energy.

I have enjoyed the benefit of crystal healing, but any information on uses and properties included with this listing (which has been gathered from reputable sources, such as Judy Hall and Michael Gienger's books on crystal healing etc) do not, under any circumstances, constitute a claim on behalf of the Seller. The information given is not intended to act as a substitute for medical treatment, nor will any guarantees be given for any spiritual or metaphysical qualities.

Using Orgonite to Heal Energy Blockages in the Body

Using Orgonite to Heal Energy Blockages in the Body

Everything on our plane of existence is made of energy.  Even though the computer in front of you may seem 100% solid, consider this: Scientists have shown that if an atom was the size of a cathedral, the nucleus inside it would be the size of a small coin.  Atoms are mostly empty space, but when they group together to form a “solid” object, the solidity is actually a result of energy waves that flow through them vibrating quickly enough to form the impression of solidity.

This means that our bodies actually consist of energy, otherwise known as chi, prana or orgone.

So, what does this have to do with energy blockages?  You see, a perfectly emotionally and physically healthy person would have energy flowing unobstructed through their bodies.  However, when we experience traumas of any kind, no matter how seemingly insignificant, the energy flow in our bodies is restricted.  Even negative thoughts can form energy blockages if they are strong or consistent enough.

If we are in tune with our bodies, we can feel these energy blockages. For example, if you think of a particular memory or situation that makes you feel bad, you can usually feel it in a tangible way – a churning in your stomach, a tight feeling in your chest, or any other physical discomfort.  These blockages diminish your vibration, and in extreme cases can lead to physical illness.

Negative Emotions are a Symptom of Energy Blockages

When you feel negative emotions, these are a manifestation of blocked energy – emotions are simply a way of your body feedback system letting you know whether energy is flowing freely in your body or if it is blocked.  When you are truly happy, you can sometimes feel your whole body buzzing, because healthy energy is flowing through it unobstructed.

How do we Heal Energy Blockages?

Since extreme energy blockages can eventually lead to health problems, we want to encourage a healthy flow of energy through our bodies.  There are many ways that we can do this.  Ancient systems such as Qi Gong and Yoga were developed not only for our physical health, but to facilitate a healthy energy flow in our bodies. Modern techniques such as EFT, Reiki Therapy, Crystal Therapy, Candle Therapy, Angel Therapy and various emotional release techniques have the same effect.

However, orgonite can be a powerful tool that we can use to eliminate energy blockages.

How to Eliminate Energy Blockages with Orgonite

Since orgonite turns stagnant and negative energy into positive, healthy energy, surrounding ourselves with healing orgonite can help us get rid of energy blockages.  Wearing an orgonite pendant and keeping orgonite in our vicinity will help dissolve energy blockages.   Many people feel increased happiness after being introduced to orgonite – this is a sign of a healthier internal energy flow.

However, since this is a passive method, it can take time to get rid of stubborn energy blockages.  We can also be more pro-active about healing energy blockages.  One of my favourite methods for this is combining chakra orgonite with chakra meditations in order to balance the chakras.

Chakra Orgonite and Energy Blockages

Chakras are the main energy vortexes in our bodies.  If you think about it, you will mainly feel negative emotions in your chakras – painful feelings in your chest when you are heartbroken or disappointed, churning feelings in your stomach when you are worried, tight feelings in your throat when we feel intimidated, etc.

When we work on our chakras, we in turn affect the energy in our whole bodies, and we see huge changes in our lives.  You will feel calmer, stronger, more grounded, and this will in turn affect what manifests in your life.

Personally, I use an orgonite chakra set while meditating.  I lie down and put each chakra orgonite piece on its respective chakra, and enter a meditative state.  I like to use binaural beats or chakra meditations which guide me through opening and balancing each chakra.

You can also simply put your focus on each chakra and “ask” the orgonite to help you balance the chakra.  Like crystals, orgonite responds well to intention, and any orgonite healing will work best if you focus your intention on how you want the orgonite to function.

A Quantum Touch healer friend of mine regularly uses a set of my chakra orgonite as helpers during her healing sessions.

You may like the other post for cleaning of crystals:
•    How to clean the crystals
For purchasing any products:
•    Orgone Products


The above details about the crystal stones is taken from the different varieties of crystals books such as :
Author Judy Hall  - Crystal Bible 1, 2, 3
Author Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian - The Book of Stones
Author Katrina Raphaell - Crystal Enlightenment
Author Cassandra Eason - The New Crystal Bible
Author Dorothee L. Mella - Stone Power II
Author Michael Gienger - Healing Crystals
Author Uma Sibey-Crystal Ball Gazing
As I love the crystal and so I keep wonderful collection of crystal related books. I always keep reading and surfing on internet also, so I have gather many information and also done practical experience about the crystal energy.

I have enjoyed the benefit of crystal healing, but any information on uses and properties included with this listing (which has been gathered from reputable sources, such as Judy Hall and Michael Gienger's books on crystal healing etc) do not, under any circumstances, constitute a claim on behalf of the Seller. The information given is not intended to act as a substitute for medical treatment, nor will any guarantees be given for any spiritual or metaphysical qualities.

Uses and Benefits of Orgone

Uses and Benefits of Orgone

Orgone products are powerful Spiritual tools that can be used to enhance all areas of your life - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. They can best be described as transmitters of Universal Light Energy, also known as Source Energy, Ether and Zero Point Energy. This higher dimensional field is the animating force behind all creation and has the capacity to automatically transform lower vibrational (negative) energy into higher vibrational (positive) energy. By simply holding an Orgone device or being near one, negative energy will be cleared from your field creating a higher, more balanced and healthy state. Using your Intent you can also direct this Source Energy towards personal healing, protection and spiritual awakening. What this means is that you now have a practical tool that can create and maintain a positive energy field in your home and workplace for both yourself and those around you. I personally consider Orgone to be one of the most advanced Spiritual tools available today and feel that these products would be highly beneficial for anyone.

Features & Benefits of Orgone Technology

Energize food, water, herbs and supplements

Feeling better, both physically and spiritually.  As energy blockages are healed and the energy around you starts to flow unobstructed, life feels more joyful and harmonious.

Protect yourself from negative energies

Relationships improve – for example, many people have gifted their homes or workplaces with orgonite, and they find that their relationships with family and co-workers improve. 

Relieve mental and physical stress
Vivid dreams: This is an effect that many people I know, including orgonite skeptics, have experienced – although I haven’t experienced this myself. I suppose my dreams are already vivid enough as they are.

Better sleep: Some people find trouble sleeping if they have orgonite in the room, as it might take some time to get used to the energized environment. In the long run though, it promotes good sleep, and many have reported that they have been cured of chronic insomnia with the help of orgonite.  If you do find that orgonite makes it difficult for you to sleep in the beginning, keep it out of the bedroom until you are used to the energy.

Experience more vitality and a restful sleep

Spiritual growth: This goes hand in hand with cleaner energy.  An organized house can be like a permanent spiritual retreat!

Aids meditation & increases spiritual growth

Protects from EMFs: This is one of the main orgonite benefits that draws people to it.  It seems that orgonite does not reduce EMF per se, but instead protects your body from its harmful effects.  Many people have felt instant relief from a simple pendant, although if you are very sensitive to electro-magnetic radiation, you may need to place more pieces of orgonite around EMF-emitting devices (your fridge, computer, tv, clock radio, etc).

Clear emotional and energetic blocks

Accelerates plant growth: This is one orgonite benefit which is pretty evident when tested. Check out my orgonite plant growth experiments post for more info.

Cleaner water: Water which has rested on top of an orgonite charging plate tastes better and feels healthier too.

Purifies the atmosphere: Hence the popular practice of gifting orgonite to areas affected by EMF pollution.

Create a more harmonious home & workplace

You may like the other post for cleaning of crystals:
•    How to clean the crystals
For purchasing any products:
•    Orgone Products


The above details about the crystal stones is taken from the different varieties of crystals books such as :
Author Judy Hall  - Crystal Bible 1, 2, 3
Author Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian - The Book of Stones
Author Katrina Raphaell - Crystal Enlightenment
Author Cassandra Eason - The New Crystal Bible
Author Dorothee L. Mella - Stone Power II
Author Michael Gienger - Healing Crystals
Author Uma Sibey-Crystal Ball Gazing
As I love the crystal and so I keep wonderful collection of crystal related books. I always keep reading and surfing on internet also, so I have gather many information and also done practical experience about the crystal energy.

I have enjoyed the benefit of crystal healing, but any information on uses and properties included with this listing (which has been gathered from reputable sources, such as Judy Hall and Michael Gienger's books on crystal healing etc) do not, under any circumstances, constitute a claim on behalf of the Seller. The information given is not intended to act as a substitute for medical treatment, nor will any guarantees be given for any spiritual or metaphysical qualities.